“Adam Reborn: A Family Guide to Surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury,” is an intense, personal account of a small family banding together when one of their own falls 40 feet into darkness and is diagnosed with a Traumatic Brain Injury. Included are pages and pages of practical advice and information regarding TBI and how to cope with it.
“Adam Reborn: A Family Guide to Surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury,” has answers to questions about TBI and head injuries that victims and their loved ones don’t even know to ask yet.
Answers about CAT scans. Apraxia. Blood clots. Left/Right Hemisphere brain injuries. ICP monitors. Comas. Hospital personnel. Anti-seizure medications. IVC filters. And so many more facts regarding TBI.
“Adam Reborn: A Family Guide to Surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury,” is written in an easy to read style and not filled with overly scientific jargon. The intent of the book is to help TBI victims and their loved ones understand the daily problems that TBI can present, and then help guide Traumatic Brain Injury victims towards the pathways of hope and recovery.
TBI recovery is possible.
“Adam Reborn: A Family Guide to Surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury,” takes the reader from Day One of a TBI, through the grueling months of medical procedures involving comas, tracheotomies, CAT scans, EEG’s, IVC filters, anti-seizure medications such as Dilantin and Keppra, blood clots and Lovenox, and then to the years of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Constraint Induced Therapy.
The specialized therapies of PT, OT, Speech and CIT are powerful tools to battle against TBI.
A Traumatic Brain Injury is life-altering. However, TBI need not be life ending.
“Adam Reborn: A Family Guide to Surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury,” is an inspiring book with first-hand knowledge and insight regarding TBI, along with specific medical information relating to a Traumatic Brain Injury, so that victims of TBI and their loved ones can better understand what obstacles await them, thus plan for recovery and a brighter future.
A Traumatic Brain Injury can be a devastating one.
“Adam Reborn: A Family Guide to Surviving a Traumatic Brain Injury,” highlights the mental and physical struggles that can come with TBI, then presents practical solutions to help ease the effects of TBI.
About the Author
After his son’s tragic forty foot fall and subsequent Traumatic Brain Injury, Alex Stelmach vowed that a struggle for life would not go in vain. And thus, a practical guide informing TBI victims and their loved ones of how to cope with and conquer the effects of TBI was written.